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About the Presenters

Mac Fulfer

Mac Fulfer is an attorney who initially became interested in face reading for the purpose of jury selection.  After years of practice and study he wrote Amazing Face Reading, a guide to reading faces.  Macs use of face reading has provided an amazing breakthrough in communication.  He has presented over 1500 talks on face reading to Fortune 500 companies, the American Bar Association, meeting planners, doctors, psychologist, teachers, the military, social workers, auditors, human resource professionals and realtors to name just a few.

Ann Marks

Ann Marks has two master degrees  one in theology and the other in counseling psychology.  Ann became interested in face reading over 15 years ago when she attended a presentation by Mac Fulfer.  Ann immediately saw the value of reading her own face and then realized it changed the way she looked at everyone else.  She began to use this tool to improve her ability to connect and communicate with others.   Ann is now Mac Fulfers business partner and gives presentations and classes on face reading to groups throughout the United States.

Amazing Face Reading
3604 W 6th Street, Fort Worth, TX 76107


What People are Saying

About the book, class and workshop:  The book was a good starting point however the real knowledge is gained by attending the live monthly trainings.  After the first class I started to have a different view everyone I met.  Its absolutely fascinating to be able to have an instant understanding of people the minute you meet them. What really took my training to the next level was attending the 3 day certification workshop.  Having 3 days of intense training helped bring it all together.

-Brian Galke, Sales Engineer/Trainer

About the workshop:  I continue to value the workshop as nothing short of amazing!  And it is proving to be extremely practical and beneficial! today I was in an executive team meeting, and I was able to read what I considered to be some significant insights on the faces of three of the participants.  I was able to adjust my interactions based on what I had noticed earlier in the team meeting.  That seemed to enhance the rapport that happened almost immediately between the other person and me.

-Chuck Ward, Ph.D., President, Chuck Ward & Associates

About a presentation:  Thank you again for the keynote address at the HEDW conference.  Simply put, you were outstanding!  Your presentation continued to be the principal subject of conversation today during the lunch hour.  It is clear that your message resonated with the conferees.  Please add The University of Texas at Austin to your enthusiastic client list and do not hesitate to let us know if we may ever provide a reference on your behalf.

-Kevin P. Hegarity

About the workshop: The face reading I've learned has enabled me to proactively disarm potentially hostile interviews, by enabling me to get the information I need, but by going a different route to get it.  It has also complimented my work as a psychological profiler.  I know what I'm dealing with before I have to deal with it.

-Jim Kenney, PI   San Antonio, TX

About a presentation: I was just going over the speaker evaluations from our conference and wanted to share some comments with you:  This was not at all what I expected; however, it was extremely informative and I couldnt stop thinking about familiar faces2 hours is a long presentation and I was interested the whole time!!One of the best keynotes weve had loved the information  cant wait to put it to use! wonderful info engaging speaker, very knowledgeable and passionate about topicgreat speaker to open conference. Loved his wrap-up  so important to connect with people.

- Emily Napper, Manager, Volunteer Services

About the workshop:  As an educator, I have been to many "workshops" (insert yawn). This was more than a workshop.   It was a life experience.  I now know why I get an instinct about people's character, and I never see people's faces the same as I did before this experience. It was worth every penny. It was worth it the day I did my first solo reading.

-Toni Hill Becktold,  Instructional Specialist

About the book:  In campaigning I used face reading to my advantage, as individuals would ask me what I did for a living, after I told them that I was retired, I added that I read faces.  A challenge was offered, and to the voters astonishment, I was able to "see" things on their faces-a good memory, thrift, precision, intensity, generosity, etc.  I could tell that I rhetorically disarmed the voter and they in turn felt comforted by what I said, and were receptive to what I had to say.

-Thomas Thornburg, North Carolina

About a face reading:  Mac, Thank you so much for the reading today!! Even though I knew a lot of these things about myself, when you hear someone tell you that you are that way, it puts things into a different perspective.  It makes you stop and think..Oh if I come across that way to certain people, that may not be good!!  Maybe I should work on that a little!

-Trish Kloeckler, MCCD Secretary/Programs/Education

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