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Amazing Face Reading Newsletters

Spring of 2018 Newsletter

Pace & Process-- the Key to Making Connections

-Pace & Process of Large, Low Ears

-Pace & Process of Small, High Ears

Winter of 2018 Newsletter

Our Qualities Have 2 Sides

-Reading Both Sides

-Both Sides of My Face

-'Tis the Season

Autumn of 2017 Newsletter

Face Reading and Artificial Intelligence

-Dangers of Mixing AI and Face Reading

-Genuine Face Reading is Bias Free

-The Epigenetic Factor


Summer of 2017 Newsletter

Through the Looking Glass

-Mirror Neurons

-Facing Your Own Face

-Practice the 5 A's


Spring of 2017 Newsletter

About Faces -- Yours and Others

-Know Yourself

-How Others See You

-REALLY Seeing Others


Winter of 2017 Newsletter

Mapping Personal Experience

-Inception & Processing

-Manifestation & Expression


Autumn of 2016 Newsletter

Making Powerful Connections The 5 A's







Summer of 2016 Newsletter

Our Ever Changing Face

-My Early Years

-Mid Life Changes

-My Face Today


Spring of 2016 Newsletter

The Importance of Our Bottom Eyelids

-Curved & Straight Bottom Eyelids

-Bottom Lids as Interactive Signals

-The Bottom Line on Our Bottom Eyelids


Winter of 2015 - 2016 Newsletter

Face Reading Quiz

Answers and More

Article: Certified Face Readers


Autumn of 2015 Newsletter

Face Reading Quiz

Answers and More

Article: Advanced Certified Face Readers


Summer of 2015 Newsletter

Unconscious Face Reading

Conscious Face Reading

Article: Family Face Reading


May 2015 Our Changing Face

Timothy's School Photo...McVeigh's Later Years

Article: The Amazing Biometric Face


April 2015 Face Reading Around the World

Bolt's Amazing Face...Bolt's Amazing Face Reading

Article: Unforgetable Connection


March 2015 Eyebrow and Chin Combinations

Angled Eyebrows and Round Chin

Angled Eyebrows and Straight Chin

Angled Eyebrows and Pointed Chin


February 2015 A Valentine for Janey

The Early Years...The Later Years

The Love Connection


January 2015 Eyebrow and Chin Combinations

Straight Eyebrows and Round Chin

Straight Eyebrows and Straight Chin

Straight Eyebrows and Pointed Chin


December 2014 Eyebrow and Chin Combinations

Curved Eyebrows and Round Chin

Curved Eyebrows and Straight Chin

Curved Eyebrows and Pointed Chin


November 2014 Ear and Eyebrow Combinations

High Ears/Low Eyebrows...Low Ears/High Eyebrows...

High Ears/High Eyebrows...Low Ears/Low Eyebrows


October 2014 The High and Low of It

High and Low Ears...High and Low Eyebrows


September 2014 A Face to Read

Her Qualities...Her Facial Features...How to Connect


August 2014 Face Reading Practice

Can You Name the Feature?...Features & Book Reference...

Our Friend's Face Reading


July 2014 More Midline Features

Visionary Lines...High, Wide Ridge

Life Force Connection


June 2014 Determination and Adaptability

Freight Train Line...Adaptability Cleft

Left and Right Brain Dominance


May 2014 Longevity and Creativity

Longevity and a Long Upper Lip...

Creativity and a Ball on the Tip of the Nose

Creative Aging


April 2014 Eyeing Sensitivity

Small and Large Irises...Thin and Thick Eyelashes

Workshop Feedback


March 2014 Olympic Faces in Review

Meryl Davis...Charlie White

Face Reading and Zombie Programs


February 2014 The Faces of Love

Interrupters and Controllers...Happy Valentine's Day


January 2014 Happy New Year 2014!

Mac's Reflections...Ann's Reflections


December 2013 More Successful Sales Tips

Tangled Eyebrows...Crooked Bottom Teeth...Eyes Angle Down


November 2013 Improving Odds in Sales

Small, High Ears...Small and Large Nostrils...Thin and Full Upper Lip


October 2013 Facial Qualities Earned 

Ace's Courage...Mary Lou's Compassion...Oletha's Shock


September 2013 Cheeks

Healer Cheeks...Warrior Cheeks...Protruding Cheeks


August 2013 Our Amazing Certification Workshop

Movie Star Cheek Challenge...Baggage Under the Eyes

Article: Are You Angry?


July 2013 Questions from Around the World

The Caribbean...Nepal...Australia

Article: What is Real?


June 2013 Facial Dominance​

Full Bottom Lip...Full Upper Lip

Article: What is Your Facial Dominance?

May 2013 Faces of Heroes

MIT Hero, Sean...West, Texas Heroes...Heroes in Boston

Article: Heroes in Our Midst


April 2013 Face Reading Superstars

​General Mandible...Male Nigerian...Barbara Streisand

Article: Workshops and Evening Classes

March 2013 ​Face Reading is for Everyone

​​​My Friend Sara...Steve, a Burn Victim...Asperger's Syndrome

Article: Presentation Suggestions

February 2013 Face Reading Valentines​​

A Recipe for Relationship Success
Article: My Ideal Woman

January 2013 New Year 2013
​Face Reading from a Picture..Making Unversal Connections...New year 2013

Article: Upcoming Events

December 2012 A Sri Lanka Journey
Our Guide, Lalith...Sri Lanka Monkey...Our Zombie Brain
Article: Next Class & Workshop Feedback

November 2012 Workshop Highlights
Self-awareness...Awareness of Others...My Personal Experience
Article: 2013 Classes and Workshop

October 2012 Face Reading for Health
Oleatha's Story...A Young Man's Story...Mark's Story of Healing
Article: Certifcation Workshop

September 2012 Hiring the Right Person for the Right Job
Candidates Joe, Wendy and Jose
Article: Classes and Workshop

August 2012 Job Interview Tips
Straight...Curved...Angled Eyebrows
Article: Joe the Leatherman

July 2012 Face Reading and Family
James Avery...Martha Avery
Article: My Family Archive

June 2012 Face Reading Reactions
Beady eyes...Nose of manifetation
Article: A Univesal Language

May 2012 Certification Workshop
No inner ear ridge...Survivor Lines...Lifes Surprises
Article: The Gift

April 2012 Face of Strength and Determination
Tim Tebow...Danica Patrick
Article: Face to Face

March 2012 The Left Brain
Low, straight & even  eyebrows...Mental development & Mental pressure lines
Article: Face Reading and Epigenetics

February 2012 Intuition
Access hairs...Corner indents...Inner ear ridges
Article: Genes of Insight & Intuition

January 2012 Faces of Ecuador
Gonzalo an artist...the captain 
Article: Happy New Year

December 2011 About the Nose
Nose tip angle...Touching the nose
Article:  The Nose Knows

November 2011 Interactive Signals
Scratching our head...Pressing between eyebrows...Rubbing the back of the neck
Article: A Common Face Reading Ancestor?

October 2011 Interactive Signals
Upper lip covered...bottom lip covered...pursed lips
Article: Riding the Theta Wave

September 2011 Interactive Signals
Mouth turns down...hand over mouth...hand covers mouth
Article: Conscious Awareness

August 2011 Intelligence
Mental development...Emotional intelligence...Common sense
Article: Amazing Face Reading

July 2011 Feature Contradictions
Thin nose with large nostrils...Broad nose with small nostrils
Article: Countenance Counts

June 2011 Feature Contradictions
Up turned eye/down turned mouth...Thin lips and a talk line
Article: A challenge with semantics

May 2011 More Nuances
Ear cup differences...Spoon ear
Article: Creating an Immediate Connection

April 2011 More Nuances
Ear ridge differences...Stick out ear differences
Article: Skeptical Corner

March 2011 Nuances
Nostrils not matching...Septum meaning...Eye puffs not matching
Article: The Next Level of Face Reading

February 2011 Improving Relationships
Top eyelids...Libido lines...Desirability line
Article: A Clone or a Compliment

January 2011 Face Reading Workshop

December 2010 Vietnam
Tuan of Viet Nam...Nyb of Cambodia...Women of the Mekong

Article: A Universal Language

November 2010 Ear/eyebrow Combinations
High and low eyebrows with high ears...High and low eyebrows with low ears...diplomatic ears
Article: Your Ever Changing Face

October 2010 Ears
Small and large ears...High and low ears...Stick out and close ears
Article: The dos and donts of reading the ears

September 2010  Face Reading Workshop

August 2010 Facial Dominance
Large upper area...Large middle area...Large lower area
Article: Sales Approaches Using Dominance

July 2010 Sensitive
Small irises...Compassion lines...Small chin
Article: Skin Type Also reveals Sensitivity

June 2010 Self Will
Self will pad...High, wide ridge...Freight train line
Article: Have People Misread Your Face?

May 2010 Perfectionist
Perfectionist lines...Low ears...Crocked teeth
Article: Living with a Perfectionist

April 2010  Hard on self
Forced focus lines...Eye puffs...Heart lines
Article: Face Reading Saved a Life

March 2010 Chins
Very small chin...Very large chin
Article: Olympic Chins

February 2010 Nostrils
Very small nostrilsvery large nostrilshuge, flared nostrils
Article : On Nostrils

January 2010 Foreheads
Round & fullbackward anglestraight
Article: Foreheads

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